No Data Phone
Remote Desktop Phone
What it is
The No Data Phone or Remote Desktop Phone is a mobile device like a mobile phone but without any data on it. You can make and receive calls, send and receive sms messages, browse the web, read you mail, etc. just like you are used to with your current mobile phone.
How it works
The No Data Phone or Remote Desktop Phone is a mobile device with a wireless data connection to a server on the internet connected to one or more remotely controlled (mobile) phones. The mobile device uses only a mobile data connection (3G, 4G/LTE, 5G, ..., or Wifi) and communicates via an encrypted connection with the remote phone. In addition the server can be an in-between server connecting to a home server or business server connected to one or more remotely controlled (mobile) phones.
The No Data Phone or Remote Desktop Phone uses access control like password, fingerprint, facial recoqnition, etc. and an automatic locking mechanism like used on your current mobile phone.
The advantages of this solution:
  • Reduced complexity of the mobile device
  • Mobile device can be implemented using any operating system (including linux)
  • (In-between) Server can be implemented using any operating system (including linux)
  • (In-between) Server can communicate with a home/business server
  • Advantages include central administration, and user specifics like address book, agenda etc.
  • Easier to have excellent security using data-only end-to-end encryption
  • No data loss in case of mobile device loss
  • No data theft in case of mobile device loss
Why now
Prices of mobile data have dropped dramatically the last years and will keep dropping. Prices for roaming in many European countries are equal to the prices for data in the origin country. High speed mobile data has become common.
The No Data Phone or Remote Desktop Phone depends upon a high speed data connection. The No Data Phone or Remote Desktop Phone mobile device can be equiped with a cheap mobile phone GSM module for emergency and other calls.
How to get it
Implement yourself and share with the world.